There is no beautify in the finest of cloth if it makes the planet unhappy. Ayurkruti provides sustainable, organic and most importantly affordable options; thereby, giving consumers a plethora of items to choose from. They are confident in the quality of the products to provide. The need to reduce harmful consequences of environmental damage is fueling the development of eco-friendly products. Many people believe that fashion and sustainability can directly be in conflict, Ayurkruti is an organization that begs to differ.
As consumers we must realize the fact that we carry the stories of how our cloth is made when we purchase it; the story of how it is made and even procured. Fast fashion leaves a pollution footprint, with each step of the clothing life cycle generating potential environmental and occupational hazards. The manufacture of polyester and other synthetic fabrics is an energy-intensive process requiring large amounts of crude oil and releasing emissions including volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, and acid gases such as hydrogen chloride, all of which can cause or aggravate respiratory disease. Volatile monomers, solvents, and other by-products of polyester production are emitted in the wastewater from polyester manufacturing plants. Sustainable, eco-friendly fashion is more than just trying to avoid sweat shops that create so many of the clothes found in most stores today.
It’s also about wrapping your skin in healthier fibres that don’t have residues from toxic chemicals and dyes. It’s knowing that your money went to a company that cares about the Earth and its people, and believes in the same passions as you. Cost of sustainable fashion is exceptionally high when compared to standard retail. Simultaneously, the mantra of the trend is “Shop Well, Not Often”. As a cost-benefit analysis, it should even out: you buy better-made clothes and wear them far longer. Our greatest impediment is how forcefully the fashion industry churns out “new trends”. A person may balk at the idea of buying ONE SHIRT a year but think of benefits beyond even your local watershed. Purchasing a wardrobe over time and with longevity in mind may promote a more distinct knowledge of your own style and reduce buyer’s remorse. I’m saving up for an outrageously expensive coat made from alpaca, because I believe this may be my only coat for at least a decade.
Most people think that acts such as voting or opening an N.G.O makes one a responsible citizen. However, you can become an active global citizen through your wardrobe.